“Britain’s Least Wanted Dog” Finally Finds a Home
Jed, a Lurcher dog, has spent seven years living in kennels, and has found himself rejected from possible adoptive homes 17,000 times. He was nominated as one of Britain’s least wanted dogs, but has now finally found a new home.
Jed was just a puppy when he was taken in by the kennels back in 2007. He lived there for seven years, which equates to 50 years in dog years, and was overlooked by some 17,000 people who could have offered him a new home. An appeal was made for him to be rehomed, and he finally found one just before Christmas.
Ian Woodcock and Elizabeth Marsh, who are both 49, responded to the appeal and immediately travelled to Darlington, where Jed was kept at the Dogs Trust Centre. They fell in love with him instantly and adopted him as their new pet. His new home is in Whitby and, rather than spending his days in his kennel, he gets to go on long walks around the Yorkshire Moors. He has settled in very well, having found a favourite sleeping spot in front of the fire. He also has an amazing new toy collection. Ian Woodcock, who works as a chemical engineer, has stated that dog is having no trouble with settling in. He is truly loved by his new family. Additionally, he seems to have taken a great shine to Mr Woodcock in particular, always being beside him. Indeed, the family now feels complete and couldn’t imagine being without him.
Jed also seems to have a fantastic sense of humour and a particular love for Elizabeth Marsh as well. He is a very sociable dog that wants nothing more than to be in the company of his new adoptive family. He likes to move his bed whenever he falls asleep, placing it in front of the door. This then prevents Ian and Elizabeth from leaving the room.
His first Christmas as part of a family was very much enjoyed. Santa brought him a big roasted bone from the local butchers, which he really loved. The family is committed to making sure Jed has a wonderful life, having spent so long without someone to love him and look after him. The Dogs Trust had expected to rehome Jed very quickly, as he was just a puppy when he was brought in. There was indeed quite a bit of interest, and some families did actually try to adopt him. However, Jed is a high energy dog and those who had tried to take him in simply could not manage him.
The Dogs Trust is truly delighted at the fact that he has finally found a loving home where he can spend his last years in peace. Jed is a true character, and the staff at the Darlington centre was really attached to him. Hence, the fact that he found a new home was almost a bittersweet Christmas present. Additionally, the manager of the centre felt that Jed getting rehomed was one of the highlights of her extensive career in animal welfare. Clearly, there is a very good reason why the Dogs Trust will never put a healthy dog down, since a loving home can always be found, no matter how long it takes.